Monday, December 1, 2008

Who will win?

Now if you know me well you know that I don't like to lose so let me share a story with you about how I AM NOT GOING TO LOSE. This is Justin's suitcase and you will notice that the whole bottom section is filled with clothes from his trip to North Carolina in which he came back from 2 WEEKS AGO! I took out all the dirty clothes and washed them all that is left is the clean ones. This is sitting at the foot of our bed and he has to walk over it several times a day. I have only asked him a couple of times to please put them away and he said "I was waiting for you do do that" so I am holding my ground, I am not going to say anything but lets take a bet on how long it takes to put these away as well as the suitcase! ARGHHHHH!


The Milletts said...

Nice to know we all deal with he same old crap from these boys! I seriously just had the same conversation with Buddy Yesterday!!! Ha, Ha! I guess when you get married you're not really a wife your really just everyones slave huh! Good luck I'll be interested to see what happens!

Michelle said...

Haha! Hold strong, soldier!! You can do it!

Anonymous said...

Well Sis I seem to remember an episode of "Everbody Loves Raymond" that was along those lines several years ago. But I believe it was cheese in their suitcase. But sorry to tell you the husband won that one.

Mindy said...

So, you’re telling me I’m not the only one? What a relief!!! J A few weeks ago I asked Brett if his mom was coming by later. He was confused and asked me what I was talking about and I said, “well, you left all your crap laying around, so I thought maybe you were expecting your mom to come by later and clean up after you.” Good one, huh? A little mean, but we both got a laugh out of it.